Why Are My Microgreens Wilting? Great Tips




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Why Are My Microgreens Wilting?

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Microgreens are young, tender plants that are packed with flavor and nutrition. They are gaining popularity among home gardeners and culinary enthusiasts due to their vibrant colors and delicate textures. However, one common issue that growers often face is the wilting of microgreens. If you’re wondering why are my microgreens are wilting, this article will explore the possible reasons behind this problem and provide effective solutions to save your precious greens.


Microgreens, with their delicate and tender nature, require specific care and attention to thrive. Several factors can contribute to the wilting of microgreens, and understanding these causes is crucial for their successful cultivation. Let’s explore the various reasons behind why are my microgreens wilting and learn how to prevent and address them effectively.

Underwatering: The Primary Cause of Wilting

Underwatering is the leading cause of microgreens wilting and falling over [1]. Microgreens have high water needs, and when they don’t receive enough moisture, their delicate leaves begin to droop and lose turgidity. To prevent this, it’s important to provide adequate water to your microgreens during their growth stages. Regularly check the moisture levels in the growing medium and ensure it remains consistently damp, but not waterlogged.

Harvesting Late: Affecting Microgreens’ Growth and Stability

AeroGarden Bounty Basic Indoor Hydroponic Herb Garden – Black

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About this item

  • THE ALL-NEW BOUNTY BASIC – Perfect for a variety of BIG harvests (herbs, salads, tomatoes, peppers & more). Stay in complete control of your garden using the new high-resolution control panel and keep plants thriving while you’re away with the new Vacation Mode feature. Up your garden game and join the Bounty family at an affordable price
  • IN-HOME GARDEN SYSTEM – Home-grown freshness & flavor right at your fingertips 365 days a year, Grow fresh herbs & veggies right on your kitchen countertop with this indoor herb garden
  • NO SOIL, NO MESS – Plants grow in water with this hydroponic growing system. Grow up to 9 plants, up to 24″ tall in your indoor garden. Just drop in the non-GMO, pre-seeded pods and watch them grow. Sprouts in days, harvests in weeks, and lasts for months with a 100% germination
  • THE WORLD’S LEADING COUNTERTOP GARDEN – Energy-efficient 30-watt LED Grow Lights deliver the perfect spectrum for fast growth & big harvests. Smart garden technology automatically turns lights on & off and reminds you when to add water and liquid plant food
  • INCLUDES EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO GROW -9-Pod Gourmet Herb Seed Pod Kit with Genovese Basil (x2), Thai Basil, Curly Parsley, Italian Parsley, Thyme, Chives Dill, Mint and nurtured by our specially formulated Miracle-Gro liquid plant food, enough for a full season of growth. Also includes a 6-inch tall trellis. All natural & non-GMO
  • power source type: Electric

Harvesting microgreens at the right time is crucial for their overall quality and stability. If you allow the microgreens to grow for too long, they become heavier, and their delicate stems may struggle to support their increased weight, resulting in wilting [1]. Therefore, it’s essential to follow the recommended harvesting time for each microgreen variety. Harvesting at the right stage ensures optimal taste, texture, and appearance.

Inadequate Lighting: Impact on Microgreens’ Health

Insufficient light can negatively affect the health and development of microgreens. When microgreens do not receive enough light, they may become leggy, weak, and prone to wilting. Ensure that your microgreens are placed in a well-lit area or use artificial grow lights to provide the necessary light intensity and duration. Position the lights close enough to the plants, but avoid excessive heat that could damage the delicate leaves.

Poor Air Circulation: Contributing to Wilting

Why Are My Microgreens Wilting?
Why Are My Microgreens Wilting?

Inadequate air circulation around your microgreens can hinder their growth and contribute to wilting [2]. Stagnant air can create a humid environment that promotes the growth of fungi and molds, leading to plant stress and wilting. To improve air circulation, use a gentle fan or ensure proper ventilation in your growing area. This will help maintain optimal humidity levels and reduce the risk of wilting.

Nutrient Deficiency: Affecting Microgreens’ Vitality

Microgreens require a balanced supply of nutrients for healthy growth and vibrant colors. Nutrient deficiencies can lead to wilting and stunted growth. To prevent this, use a high-quality organic fertilizer or a specially formulated microgreen nutrient mix. Follow the recommended dosage and feeding schedule to ensure your microgreens receive the necessary nutrients for optimal growth.

Overwatering: Another Culprit Behind Wilting

Why Are My Microgreens Wilting?
Why Are My Microgreens Wilting?

While underwatering can cause wilting, overwatering can be equally detrimental to microgreens’ health. Excessive moisture in the growing medium can lead to root rot, fungal diseases, and oxygen deprivation, resulting in wilting and eventual plant death [1]. To avoid overwatering, allow the top layer of the growing medium to dry out slightly before watering again. Proper drainage and aeration of the growing trays or containers are also crucial to prevent waterlogging.

Temperature Fluctuations: Influence on Microgreens’ Health

Microgreens thrive within specific temperature ranges, and extreme fluctuations can stress the plants and contribute to wilting. High temperatures can cause rapid moisture loss, while low temperatures can slow down growth and affect nutrient absorption. Provide a stable temperature environment for your microgreens by keeping them away from drafts and extreme temperature variations. Consider using a temperature-controlled growing setup if possible.

Pests and Diseases: Damaging the Health of Microgreens

Pests and diseases can significantly impact the health of microgreens, leading to wilting, discoloration, and even death. Common pests affecting microgreens include aphids, fungus gnats, and mites. Regularly inspect your plants for any signs of pest infestation and promptly take action using organic pest control methods. Additionally, practicing good hygiene and maintaining a clean growing environment can help prevent the spread of diseases and protect your microgreens’ health.

Improper Growing Medium: Hindering Microgreens’ Growth

The growing medium you choose plays a vital role in the health and development of microgreens. Using a poor-quality or inappropriate growing medium can hinder root development, nutrient uptake, and water retention, leading to wilting. Opt for a lightweight and well-draining medium, such as peat moss or coconut coir, specifically formulated for microgreens. This will provide optimal conditions for root growth and reduce the risk of wilting.

Container Size: Impact on Microgreens’ Root Development

Choosing the right container size is essential for healthy microgreen growth. Containers that are too small can restrict root development and limit nutrient and water absorption, resulting in wilting. Ensure that your containers have sufficient depth for the root system to grow and expand. Consider using shallow trays or seedling flats that provide ample space for the roots to spread out and support healthy plant growth.

Humidity Levels: Balancing Moisture for Healthy Growth

Maintaining proper humidity levels is crucial for microgreens’ health and vitality. High humidity can create a favorable environment for mold and fungal growth, leading to wilting. On the other hand, low humidity can cause rapid moisture loss and dehydration. Aim for a relative humidity of around 50-60% for optimal microgreen growth. Use a hygrometer to monitor humidity levels and adjust them as necessary by misting the plants or using a humidifier or dehumidifier.

Seed Quality: Ensuring Optimal Germination

AeroGarden Gourmet Herb Seed Pod Kit (9-Pod)

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About this item

  • Includes gourmet herb seed kit – 9 Pre-seeded pods featuring Genovese Basil (2), Thai Basil, Curly Parsley, Thyme, Chive, Mint, Dill, and Italian Parsley
  • Plant to the plate – Non-GMO seeds; No herbicides; No pesticides. Harvest herbs directly from the plant for use in your favorite recipes
  • Comes with everything – Also includes a 3 oz bottle of patented, specially formulated Liquid Nutrients, grow domes for optimal germination, and a Growing Guide with step-by-step instructions
  • Germination guarantee – 100 Percent Germination Guarantee; if a Seed Pod doesn’t sprout, we’ll replace it for free
  • Works with any Aerogarden – For use in all AeroGarden models

Mumm’s Sprouting Seeds – Starter Sample Pack

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625 GR – Organic Sprout Seed Kit – Broccoli, Radish, Alfalfa, Mung Bean

About this item

  • MUMM’S THE WORD IN GROWING SPROUTS: Trust the sprouting experts when you’re looking for an easy sprouter kit. We’ve been producing certified non-GMO sprouting seeds on our organic farm since 1988. We’ll make your house herbaceous microgreen heaven!
  • 6 POPULAR BLENDS IN 1: Spring Salad (broccoli, radish, red clover, and alfalfa), Ancient Eastern (fenugreek, lentils, kamut, adzuki), Crimson Lentils, Mung Beans, Broccoli Brassica (broccoli, broccoli raab, canola, radish, mustard, arugula), Alfalfa.
  • GROW SUPERFOODS ON YOUR KITCHEN COUNTER: Grow nutritious sprouts in just a few days – even in the middle of winter! Sprouts are loaded with nutrients in ready-to-eat portions.
  • BETTER THAN A MULTI-VITAMIN: You don’t need expensive supplements. Sprouts contain critical vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, and protein. Superboost your salads, sandwiches, stews, soups, and more!
  • A PERFECT MATCH FOR BEAN SCREENS: Ordinary wide-mouth mason jars (not included) work fine, if you’ve invested in a screen lid system like Bean Screens by Masontops, with Mumm’s seeds you’ll grow the most delicious and nutritious sprouts around!

The quality of the seeds you use can greatly impact the success of your microgreen cultivation. Poor-quality seeds or seeds that have been stored improperly may have low germination rates, leading to uneven growth and potential wilting. Purchase seeds from reputable suppliers and store them in a cool, dry place to maintain their viability. Conduct a germination test before sowing to ensure a high germination rate and healthy seedlings.

Microgreens Varieties: Different Needs for Different Greens

Different microgreen varieties have varying growth requirements and sensitivities. Some varieties may be more prone to wilting under certain conditions, while others may be more resilient. It’s important to research and understand the specific needs of each microgreen variety you’re growing. Adjust your watering, lighting, and other care practices accordingly to provide the optimal conditions for each type of microgreen.

Common Mistakes: Avoiding Pitfalls for Successful Microgreen Cultivation

In addition to the specific causes mentioned above, several common mistakes can contribute to the wilting of microgreens. These include over-fertilization, overcrowding, using contaminated water, poor hygiene practices, and inadequate acclimatization to environmental conditions. Avoid these pitfalls by following proper microgreen cultivation techniques and maintaining a diligent approach to care and maintenance.

Conclusion  ~ Why Are My Microgreens Wilting?

Microgreens can wilt for various reasons, but understanding and addressing these issues can help you save your delicate greens and ensure successful cultivation. From providing adequate water and light to maintaining proper humidity and nutrient levels, each aspect of microgreen care plays a crucial role in preventing wilting and promoting healthy growth. By implementing the recommended solutions outlined in this article, you can enjoy thriving microgreens that are vibrant, flavorful, and visually appealing.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Can I revive wilted microgreens?

In some cases, wilted microgreens can be revived by providing immediate care. Ensure they receive adequate water, adjust lighting conditions, and improve air circulation. However, severely wilted or damaged microgreens may be difficult to revive.

Are wilting microgreens safe to eat?

Generally, wilted microgreens are safe to eat unless they show signs of mold, rot, or other visible damage. However, their texture and flavor may be compromised compared to fresh, crisp microgreens.

How often should I water my microgreens?

The watering frequency for microgreens depends on various factors such as humidity, temperature, and the specific microgreen variety. As a general guideline, check the moisture level of the growing medium daily and water when the top layer feels slightly dry.

Can over-fertilization cause wilting in microgreens?

Yes, over-fertilization can lead to wilting in microgreens. Excessive amounts of nutrients can disrupt the delicate balance of water and nutrients in the plants, causing stress and wilting. Always follow the recommended dosage and feeding schedule for fertilizers.

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    About Joanne Jensen

    3 responses to “Why Are My Microgreens Wilting? Great Tips”

    1. […] their small size, microgreens are packed with a concentrated amount of nutrients, sometimes even exceeding the nutritional value […]

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    2. […] growth in microgreens can occur due to overcrowding during sowing or inconsistent moisture levels. Spreading seeds evenly […]

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